
Osteopathic Hospital…NCR created the leasing Program at Phila HEFA that allow Philly Osteopathic to upgrade all of its equipment and medical systems.
Osteopathic Hospital…NCR created the leasing Program at Phila HEFA that allow Philly Osteopathic to upgrade all of its equipment and medical systems.
National recently advised the largest provider of services to the low income community in the State of Pennsylvania “Greater Philadelphia Health Action” a FQHC provider serving over 85,000 members and delivering over 280,000 procedures a year for the residents of Philadelphia. NCR eliminated the over collateralization of its Assets, and currently refunded all the outstanding bonds to one consolidated repayment saving millions and lowering total debt service. Additionally by consolidating we were able to realigned its administration and develop a brand new Head Quarters at no additional impact on Cash Flow.
NCR created the First 501c3 Health Care Tax Exempt Leasing Program in the Country, providing matched term low issuance cost alternatives now being used by Hospital’s all over the Nation today.