Taxable and Tax Exempt Leasing

High Speed Transit
National Capital Resources has been a Master Lessor to many state controlled master lease programs financing millions for essential equipment purchases and low cost tax exempt rates. In certain instances, we crafted the lease to meet the needs of the client. Leasing can be cheaper and more flexible than bond financing making it more cost effective depending on the life of the asset.
National Capital Resources pioneered Tax Exempt leasing to 501 c3’s eliminating millions in issuance cost that are inherent in bond financing’s. We shorten the term of the financing contracts to match the lives of the assets to 15 years instead of 30 yrs. We increased the time and speed to market access to start a project from 6 months to 30 days. We created the first Synthetic Lease for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts so that all of the State’s Telecommunications could be financed at the State’s cost of Capital instead of at the Tariff Rate or that of the Telephone Company saving Millions.
National Capital was the Financial Adviser and Lessor to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts “TELP” Master Lease, which financed purchases throughout the State and Agencies of the State for 10’s of Millions Annually. NCR also was the Master Lessor to the MBTA – Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Financing Light Rail Cars, and the State’s first Neo Plan – Hydrogen Gas Buses, police and Ride Vehicles for many years, and is working on Regenerative Braking System to help offset the cost of energy to run these large transit systems.