Municipal Finance

City of Boston…National Capital Resources, was the Managing Investor/Lessor for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Master Leasing Program for almost a decade.
Municipal Finance provides us with the privilege to serve the public, and enhancing the Public Good. We take our fiduciary responsibility seriously, and advise our clients to thoroughly understand the intentions of the “Dodd Frank legislation” and its guidelines and restrictions. Municipal and Tax Exempt borrowers must be cognizant from whom they take their advice.
Advice under G-17 of the MSRB, is not permissible from the Underwriter without also insuring that the borrower is aware that the Underwriter is working for his own interest and not that of the client. That acknowledgement should be provided to Municipal/501c3 clients upfront when transacting business.
We have served the Municipal and Non Profit Community for over 25 years in many cases our clients after working with NCR have gone on to acquire a formal credit rating with S&P as Investment Grade.
Our Surcharge Revenue Bonds structured for the State of New Jersey, allowed the State tap over a Billion in unrealizable revenue from under-performing traffic ticket violations redirecting those funds to totally renovating and innovating its Department of Motor Vehicles and its Inspection Centers throughout the entire State of New Jersey.